Joel Edgington-Plunkett

Stop Gap Senior / DDSL

Joel Edgington-Plunkett VIP Education staff photo

Hi, I'm Joel

I work with VIP as a Stop Gap Senior / DDSL

After finishing study at high school in 2016 I was in a fortune position to take up an apprenticeship in one of the local primary schools in Chesterton, I quickly gained my Physical Education NVQ qualification and gained promotion holding the responsibility: Head of PE & Community support whilst also supporting and delivering the Physical Education curriculum at a Key stage 3 & 4 level. I have over 5 years experience of community, young people and working partnership development as well as holding the responsibility of sitting as a board of trustee of a large charity, a youth centre and also a Newcastle Borough Councillor. I am passionate and have a vision to support young people through the challenges they face through everyday life whilst also having a clear strategic direction of how to achieve every young person to be ready for the future.