Stop Gap

A short term provision providing an individual pathway of help and support to young people who are struggling in school.

At times young people can struggle to achieve their full potential in a mainstream setting without individual support.

Our individual pathways of support could be social, emotional or mental health difficulties; which all put considerable pressure on the youngster themselves, the school community and parents / carers.

Our aims are to help prevent permanent exclusion by supporting individuals who are facing difficulties, accessing or coping in school, due to their personal circumstances.

We also support young people with anxiety that prevents them from accessing Education. With our unique approach we can provide the opportunity for these young people to re-engage in a learning environment.

We record and monitor all work undertaken and would formally review each child’s plan after a maximum 6-week period. The Review process will include a written report from STOP GAP and all feedback from Stakeholders, including the child.

If it is evident that a plan is not providing the success we expect to see, we will meet with relevant stakeholders, including the young person, and offer alternative strategies.

This may include working with the young person away from the centre, providing additional staff and always aiming to use a significant adult from our team, as identified by the young person. We are in the position to be flexible with our provision to meet daily challenges that may occur.

We can provide additional staff in order to meet need, and support every placement offered.

What's our process?

To begin a process of support we would generally meet with all significant parties to discuss and agree the desired outcomes, objectives and timescales.

We consider individual need and plan our input, collating evidence from school and a significant adult.
Before working with children and young people a risk assessment is carried out in respect of any service offered or required. Where risks are identified we will show measures put in place to reduce these risks. All staff are made aware of Risk Assessments in place.

As part of the induction we will carry out an emotional profile which will enable us to set personal targets for each young person.

We believe in regular contact with all relevant parties to ensure everyone is kept informed of changes to circumstances which may result in a negative response from any individual or group.

A timetable is agreed with all relevant parties and STOP GAP staff will inform the school if the young person does not attend. This is always carried out within 30 minutes of the arranged start time.

Time at STOP GAP can be flexible depending on your schools needs

We understand that schools have different budgets. That's why our price is always worked out based on your needs. Contact us today to discuss your requirements.