6 Effective Ways to Motivate Students to Study During COVID-19 Outbreak

6 Effective Ways to Motivate Students to Study During COVID-19 Outbreak

The COVID-19 outbreak has greatly impacted our everyday life. Several countries have declared lockdowns, where access to public places have been restricted. Workplaces, schools, and business establishments have been shut down, except for those providing basic and medical needs. Individuals and families are advised to stay at home so as not to spread the virus, with people only allowed to go outside to get basic supplies while maintaining social distancing.

One sector that has been heavily impaired by the outbreak is the education sector. As schools have been temporarily closed, students have to stay at home and spend an early vacation. Other school systems have continued their operation through online learning classes. Online sessions are held for students to pursue their education. The biggest challenge, however, is how to motivate students to study, given the stress and anxiety that come with the coronavirus outbreak.

That said, here are seven ways to motivate your students to study even during these stressful times:

  1. Set study schedule routines at home.

As students no longer go to school, the set-up can be quite a challenge. The best way to proceed is to improvise the schedule through online sessions. Set a particular time in the day that works best for your students. It may not be as structured as the one in a classroom setting, but there’s a way to streamline the schedule for studying.

  1. Establish an environment conducive to studying.

Once the schedule has been agreed upon, talk to your students’ parents to set up an environment ideal for learning. Or if you’re holding online classes with much older students, have them set a space at home that’s conducive for studying. You’ll be surprised at how effective online classes can be when done right!

  1. Set goals and help your students accomplish them.

At the onset of the online class, you and your students should set goals together. While you’re at it, ask them about their basic expectations, and you do the same. Assure them that everyone will try their best to meet these expectations. Encourage them to raise the flag if there are distractions or challenges along the way. Help every student accomplish their goals, especially in these trying times.

  1. Assign specific tasks to students.

It’s not easy to teach via online sessions. If you do the talking throughout the session, they won’t absorb as much. To carve true learning, you have to assign your students some tasks. Have them take turns to present or facilitate the session. That can be a more collaborative room for learning.

  1. Foster a positive and fun learning environment.

It can make a huge difference if you know how to create a fun learning environment. However, we know this is easier said and done—especially if we’re talking about an online setting. But it’ll do well to get your students excited about logging online and joining the class session. So use your creativity and think of exciting ways to make the session lively, interactive, and fun. 

  1. Give your students a break.

Finally, don’t forget to give them a break. Your students will need a breather from time to time, as the online environment can be daunting. Let your students stretch, eat, and get a breath of fresh air. Once they’re refreshed, they can study, engage, and learn more. 


Online learning, especially during the COVID-19 outbreak, definitely isn’t a walk in the park. There’s going to be a lot of challenges and distractions along the way. However, this doesn’t stop us from learning and studying, even when we’re stuck in our homes. With the valuable tips mentioned above, you’ll be able to motivate your students to study despite the outbreak. 

Remember — some students may need extra support getting through this stressful time. Try to reach out to those who are struggling. Offer them education and emotional support. 

We offer education and emotional support, get in touch with us today! We’re happy to help.

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